Crestwood Country Day Camp

Prospective Families Visit Crestwood

You must see Crestwood to believe it.

We look forward to meeting you and treating you like Family.


Schedule a Tour

Visit Crestwood  

Weekday tours are available during camp and school hours by appointment.

For summer camp tours, please choose a 10AM, 11AM, or 12PM start time. 

2025 Weekend tours are currently available during the following dates:

Saturday, March 29th
Sunday, April 6th
Saturday, April 12th
Saturday, April 19th
Sunday, April 27th
Saturday, May 3rd


Tours on weekend dates are offered at 10AM, 11AM or 12PM by appointment.

For all tours or visits, please contact our office or fill out our “Schedule a Tour” form with your requested date and time (10 AM, 11 AM, or 12 PM). We will respond to all tour requests with a phone call or email within 24 hours (and usually much sooner).

Contact Us

(631) 692-6361

(631) 692-6987 Fax

Request More Information

Our office is open school days from 8:30 AM until 4:00 PM. Voicemails and emails are checked and responded to when the office is closed. We pride ourselves on our friendly and helpful customer service. We hope to make you feel like part of our Crestwood Family. All Calls and Messages Are Returned Promptly.

1/2 mile north of Long Island Expressway at exit 48 or 1/2 mile south of Northern State Parkway at exit 39.

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